How do I add an upfront fee to a monthly billing program?

This article describes how to take a one-time upfront payment for a membership that uses monthly dues.

This article assumes the user understands how to add new Products and Programs, and how to assign a Program to a customer from the iPad. For more information, visit to find articles on how to do these things. 

Oftentimes, when a new member joins who will be billed monthly, the course will want to collect the first month's dues immediately, then start billing the member monthly thereafter.

To set this up, log into the Teesnap Admin Portal at

Go to Inventory/Products and set up TWO products for the monthly membership. One will be for the monthly recurring charge, while the other will be for collecting the first month's dues upfront.



Next, go to Programs to add a new Program. When selecting the Products that will be a part of this Program, select BOTH products that you built. Be sure to activate the Recurring flag for ONLY the product that will be used for the monthly recurring charge. The other product will be used for the one-time upfront collection of the first month's dues.



When the program has been built you can now assign it to a customer from the iPad. Go to Customers, search for the customer in question, go to Add Program, select the new Program and start date, and Save



Because the Program contains BOTH a recurring product AND a non-recurring product, the non-recurring product shows up in the Shopping Cart automatically. This allows you to collect the monthly dues upfront. You can always apply a discount or promotion to prorate the price if the new member is joining in the middle of the month.



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Teesnap Support by emailing us at or calling 844-458-1032.