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How to Edit Home Page Slider | Teesnap Tutorial
The home page slider is a collection of images and captions that rotate on your front page.
Edit Background Image:
- Visit your home page and select "Edit"
- Select the existing "Full Width Easy Slider"
- In the "Content" tab, select the desired slide
- Click "Change Image" and select the image you would like to use
- Save
Edit Button Label and Link:
- Select the desired slide
- Navigate to the "Caption Slide"
- Scroll down until you see the fields "Button Label" and "Button Link"
- Paste your button Title and Link, or use the dropdown to select another page on your website
- Save
Apply Caption/Link to All Slides:
- Navigate to the "Content" tab
- Scroll down & check the box "Use first slides caption as permanent caption"
- Save