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How to Enter Tips on a Pre-Authorized Transaction
This article will explain how to enter tips on a pre-authorized transaction.
1. First you will need to create a new tab. Enter the tab name, number of covers, and customer name. To pre-authorize a credit card click on CREDIT CARD.
2. Here you will enter the credit card information. Name on the credit card, CVV, and expiration date. Click SUBMIT in the lower right-hand corner to proceed.
3. You will be prompted with a message that the credit card has been pre-authorized. Click the green CONTINUE button to add a product(s) to the tab.
4. We added one Bud Light to the tab. To add tips to the pre-authorized transaction, click on the tabs icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen.
5. Click on the USER ICON on the top left, then select ENTER TIPS at the bottom of the user menu.
6. Tap on Pre-Authorized Tabs
Here you will see the pre-authorized transaction for one Bud Light ($3). Simply input your tip amount into the tip box.
7. We entered a $2 tip. You will see the transaction total of $5 listed on the right-hand portion of the screen. To complete this transaction click SUBMIT 1 BILLS in the lower right corner of the screen. Repeat these steps to enter tips on a pre-authorized transaction.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Teesnap Support by emailing us at support@teesnap.com or calling 844-458-1032