How to Make a Modifier Required

In this article, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to make modifier groups required.

1. Make sure to locate the inventory tab and open it. 


2. Once in the Inventory tab, locate "Modifier Groups." Click and open the modifier groups


3. When in the modifier groups you will find required and optional modifier groups. We want to make Burger Condiments Required. Click and open the pencil button on burger condiments. 


4. You will find a Required toggle, to make this modifier group required toggle in on. 


5. Once the Required toggle is on, items will now be required. It is important to note that only items under the products line will require these modifiers. For example, the Strip Burger will be the only burger to require these condiments. 


6. We can now see the Burger Condiments are in the required section. 


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