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How to Reset your Teesnap Credit Card Reader
This article will show you how to reset your Teesnap credit card reader (C2X/C3X)
1. Remove your card reader from the iPad by sliding it upwards out of the cradle. At the bottom of the card reader is a small hole where you must insert a paperclip to press the reset button. This will fully reset the reader and allow for a new connection to be established.
2. After resetting the reader, return to your Teesnap C2X (blue icon) application where you will repair the reader (at this point, it's highly recommended that this is the ONLY Bluetooth card reader ON and awaiting connection to your iPad, please move any additional card readers into another room or turn them OFF).
3. Tap the credit card icon at the top of the screen.
4. Locate your card reader in the device list. The serial number can be found on the back of the reader. Once you identify your device, tap on it and select Done.
5. Tap the Credit Card Icon again, and a Bluetooth Pair Request will appear on the screen. Enter the 6-digit code located on the back of the credit card reader, and then select Pair to establish the connection.
6. After establishing a connection, the credit card icon will show a green icon.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Teesnap Support by emailing us at support@teesnap.com or calling 844-458-1032