How to Send Birthday or Annual emails Automatically

With automated workflows, you can send timely, relevant emails to individual subscribers without having to spend time creating and sending each email individually.

When you set up a workflow based on "an anniversary of a date" the emails are triggered by a date associated with each subscriber, which marks the day of an annual, recurring event. That's why birthday emails are a common example of how to use this type of workflow. If a subscriber's date of birth is 29 May 1974, we ignore the year and send a birthday email on (or near) May 29 every year.

Anniversary workflows also work well for businesses that provide services people use on an annually, recurring basis. For example, mechanics who offer regular tune-ups, dentists who do routine checkups, or fitness centers with annual memberships.

Creating workflows for the anniversary of a date

To set up an email, or series of emails, that are triggered to send annually, based on a subscriber's date field:

  1. Open Automation and click Create a new workflow.
  2. Select An anniversary of date as the trigger.
  3. Name the workflow, for example: "Birthday email."
  4. Choose a subscriber list. If you only have one list it is selected for you.
  5. Choose a date field. If your list only has one date field it is selected for you. If there are none, you can add one now.
  6. Click Create workflow.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to define the email details: when it will be sent, who will receive the email (only applies if you have segments), the email name, and so on. Then click Next.
  8. Select a template and create your email content.
  9. After you have finalized and saved the email you'll see the overview page for your workflow. To activate it now, click Start workflow.

Send a series of emails

There is no limit to the number of emails you can add to a workflow. To set up a series of emails to send in sequential order, click Add a new email to this workflow.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Teesnap Support by emailing us at or calling 844-458-1032.