How to Update the iPad iOS Version

This article will show you how to update the iPad IOS version.

Why Should You Update Your iPad Software?
  • To Improve Performance
  • To Fix Bugs
  • To Improve Security 
  • New Features
  • Improve Compatibility

1. Locate and open the"Setting" app on the main screen of the iPad. 


2. Once in the setting app make sure to be under the "General" tab. 


3. Once you are in the "General" tab, located and open "Software Update."


4. Once in the software update tab, if there is an available IOS update, you will see an option for it to be downloaded. If you would like to download it, select "Download and Install." Once this downloads, your IOS software will be up to date. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Teesnap Support by emailing us at or calling 844-458-1032