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  2. Contactless Payment - Credit Card Readers

Offline Processing Options

This article will show the offline processing terminals available through Heartland

What is an offline processor? 

An offline processor is a specialized payment processing system that enables you to accept credit or debit card payments, even when there’s no internet or cellular connection available. If you find yourself in need of processing payments in an area where a wifi or cellular connection is not available, the processor stores transaction data on the device until an internet connection is restored. Once reconnected, the stored transactions are automatically uploaded and processed.

Why It Can Be Useful:

  1. Operational Continuity: If you have areas with no internet or cellular connectivity, an offline processor ensures that payments can be taken seamlessly in these areas. 

  2. Security and Compliance: Even though transactions are stored temporarily, they are encrypted and secure, ensuring that you comply with payment processing regulations. 

What Are The Risks?

The main risk with store and forward transactions is that you won't know if a card is approved until the transaction is processed later when the device reconnects and forwards the stored data. If any transactions are declined, there isn’t an automatic way to recover those funds. In such cases, you'd need to contact the customer directly to resolve the issue, which can be challenging. This delay in confirmation can potentially lead to lost revenue if the customer can't be reached or refuses to pay.

What are my options? 

Castles S1000F:

  • Cost: $279.00
  • Wireless Fee (SIM Card, Optional): $15 per month
  • Cost: $349.00
  • Wireless Fee (SIM Card, Optional): $15 per month
  • Cost: $299

How do you order one? 

Reach out to your Heartland Representative, you can order a device from them directly.

If you have any questions - contact support@teesnap.com or call 844-458-1032.