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Pre-Authorization at the Manage Bills Screen
In addition to pre-authorizing a credit card at the time of initial tab creation, you can also pre-authorize cards on individual bills AFTER the tab has been created and after products have been added to the individual covers.
To do this, open an existing tab that already has products added to a cover. Tab MANAGE BILLS to access the bill for this tab.
At the MANAGE BILLS screen, tap the pre-authorization button.
The system now prompts to pre-authorize the bill by credit card, A/R, or Card on File. To pre-authorize a card, tap CREDIT CARD
CARD PRESENT is selected by default. If the card is present (this will be the case most of the time) then tap SUBMIT PRE-AUTHORIZATION. MANUAL ENTRY can also be selected if necessary
The system now prompts you to tap or insert the card
The system will then display that the card has been read and pre-authorized
The pre-authorization icon on the bill now displays in green, indicating that a card has been successfully pre-authorized
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Teesnap Support by emailing us at support@teesnap.com or calling 844-458-1032