How do I add a fee in Teesnap

This article describes the procedure for adding a new fee into Teesnap

This article assumes the user understands how to assign fees to tax/fee groups as well as how to assign tax/fee groups to products. For more on these subjects please visit these links:

What are Tax/Fee Groups

How to assign a Tax/Fee Group to a Product

A Fee in this context does NOT mean a green fee, cart fee, or similar. Instead, this is a fee that is automatically attached to selected products as an add-on. For example, some municipal golf courses add a Capital Improvement Fee to the price of golf. These extra fees are intended to be set aside for improvements to the golf course. Another example could be the addition of a credit card processing fee to all transactions.

To add a new Fee, log into the Teesnap Admin Portal at Go to Inventory then Taxes and Fees.



On the Taxes and Fees screen, Taxes and Fees section, choose Add.



At the Add Tax/Fee window, type in a name for the new Fee, enter an amount, designate whether it will be a dollar amount or a percentage, and select the Fee option. When complete, hit Save.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Teesnap Support by emailing us at or calling 844-458-1032